Thursday, November 1, 2007

HW27: Baghdad Burning Annotated Bibliography

Baghdad Burning. New York: Feminist P, 2005.

Baghdad Burning is a great book for our Blog class. It is written by a women whose nave is unknown as she describes herself by using the name of Riverbend. All we know about Riverbend is that she's an Iraqi women who is 24 years old and she survived the war. Through her blog she brings us into her heart as she goes through the struggles in her daily life. Its great because we can learn a lot about what its like to be an Iraqi and how they might view what has happened with the war in Iraq. By doing this our class can learn what has already been happening and what is to come for Iraqi women in terms of their rights and freedoms. Riverbends writing challenges us, as Americans, to step outside of our cultural ways and replace them with her view of what we have den to Baghdad.

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