Tuesday, October 9, 2007

HW17B: Cox and Zuniga

Influence of blogs on elections

Two blogs that may influence the way people vote in a coming election are “Wonkette” by Ana Marie Cox, and “Daily Kos” by Markos Moulitsas Zuniga. If i had to pick between these blogs i think i would have to say that the Daily Kos is more influential. Markos Moulitas Zuniga is a very intelligent man and puts a lot of effort into his blogs. The blog its self is well organized and more professional than that of Ana Marie Cox's. As soon as you open the site you will notice pictures of political issues which in a way let you know what the focus of the blog is about. Zuniga is very honest as well and even admits that traditional democratic consultants and media firms have influence of the party that can be negative. They are simply more interested in making money then winning the election. The Daily Kos also brings in more viewers than Wonkette. During the weeks before the election there were over 625,000 visitors per day. If that doesn't prove the the influence the Daily Kos can have then i don't know what will. 625,000 visits per day is just absolutely insane. Clearly the Daily Kos is kind of a big deal when election time comes around.

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