Tuesday, October 9, 2007

HW18: Friendly Sluts



Today in Jezebel there was a post titled “Sluts: They're Not Whores, They're Just Friendly!” The post states it has been scientifically proven that it's possible for someone to be slutty just because they're a good person. “Patrick and Charlotte Markey, who headed up the study, found that those who get around the most are either warm/affectionate or cold/distant, with few falling in between, a statistic that holds true for both men and women.” I think this is ridiculous. First of all what type of experiment is going on here? I believe people should be warm and affectionate but this doesn't mean they should sleep around. I realize times are changing and sex has become more accepting but having many partners is should still be a big NO because it is unhealthy and can cause spread of disease. The bottom line is if you look up slut in the dictionary i can guarantee you won't find the words warm and affectionate next to it.

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